
Computer scientist, specializing in artificial intelligence and software engineering. He works as a professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Communication at University of Economics in Katowice, as well as at WSB Merito University (branch in Chorzów/Katowice) and at WSTI (University of Information Technology) in Katowice.

Krzysztof Michalik developed the first Polish hybrid AI system that combined the operation of a neural network and an expert system, these works were pioneering, visionary in Poland and beyond. The philosophy that guided him in the matter of purposefulness, necessity in many situations, combining the connectionist and symbolic approach in hybrid (neuro-symbolic) systems were pioneering because we find exactly the same philosophy in current works on LLM and Large Action Models (LAMs).

Author of many theoretical, research and implementation works. Scientific interests in artificial intelligence (AI) included both symbolic approaches (expert systems, computational logic, some non-classical logics eg. non-monotonic logic implemented in PC-Expert system, fuzzy logic, temporal logic) and connectionist approaches (artificial neural networks). In 1990, he founded the first Polish company specializing in creating AI software tools and domain applications.

He developed, among others, the PC-Shell expert system shell and the Neuronix neural network simulator, both systems linked into a hybrid system with strong integration at the level of data structures and knowledge flow. It is worth adding that Neuronix could already be considered a deep neural network (according to the current terminology of deep networks and deep learning) with the possibility of using up to 3 hidden layers (already in the early 90s - then the standard were neural networks with 1 to maximum 2 hidden layers). Mentioned systems were part of AI package called SPHINX, the first package of this kind in Poland and one of very few similar in Europe and USA. An original solution in the SPHINX package was also the prototype CAKE (Computer-Aided Knowledge Engineering) system being created.

He was a member of the government expert group working on the AI ​​development strategy in Poland as part of a broader European strategy.

Involved in the popularization of AI in Poland.

Personal interests include various fields of science in general, astronomy, kyokushin karate and music, including guitar improvisations.

He was a member of several scientific and other organizations and associations, among others:

  • The New York Academy of Sciences (USA),

  • AAAI – The American Association for Artificial Intelligence (USA),

  • IEEE Computer Society (USA),

  • INNS – International Neural Networks Society (USA),

  • AIED - International AI society (AI, computing etc.).

  • The Planetary Society (USA),

  • Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne,

  • Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji,

  • Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zarządzania Wiedzą.


"Scientia potentia est", "Knowledge is power",
(Francis Bacon, 1597)